I Know You're Busy, But...

What do you say when people ask you how you’re doing?

Most of us have the standard 21st century answer – ”busy”!

In addition, we kind of revel in people calling us to ask for our help and beginning their request with the happy little phrase, “I know you’re busy, but could I ask you to ________________ ?  You know what they say: “If you want something done, ask a busy person”! It’s even worse when our busy life spills over into our family life, “Mom, I know you’re busy, but could you read me a book?

Don’t worry, I’m as guilty as you might be. This month I flew across the country twice and sadly I exited our family reunion a half-day early to fly to Africa to “save the world” (well, not really, but it felt like it). On the way to my day, I called people on my call list to “save time”. On Sunday (that day of ‘rest’), I entertained out of state guests. I drove three hours to speak to a gathered crowd, then drove home at 9 p.m. to arrive at 11 p.m. in time to sleep in my own bed for five hours, just in time to wake up for a 6:30 a.m. breakfast meeting to help things at work run better.

What about you? Are you always hurrying somewhere? Are you always a bit late? Are you “just skimming” this article to save time? Are you present when you are with people? When you relax, do you feel guilty? When you’re driving or walking or exercising, do you listen to podcasts to be “more productive”? Do you wonder what would happen if there was nothing but the sound of silence?

So, can we talk? Just for a minute, I just have one question. When do you listen to God in silence so there is space for Him to talk back as you listen? Or do your prayers go something like this…

Dear God, thank you for today. I need help with my project, and please help Aunt Ruth to feel more loved ‘cause she was upset at Thanksgiving, so give her peace. And help me to know what to say to my boss… (I wonder how the traffic is doing on my drive to work) …anyway, God, like I said, please help me get to work safe, amen. Oh and let me do better at being more at peace and help me to slow down, amen. Amen thank you God, please speak to me! I really want to hear your voice! Gotta run. Bye!

In his book The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, John Mark Comer notes that we live fast-paced distracted lives governed by the invention of the clock. Our days are longer thanks to the invention of the light bulb, while our brains are governed by smart phones (which psychologists are discovering are really dumb phones since we’re all becoming addicted to their endless pings and dings)

Our soul is crying out, “I’m dying!” Are you listening?

This season, it really matters that we might slow down and worship. Something BIG happened thousands of years ago at this time of year. Most missed it but a few heard from God and stopped what they were doing to pay attention. Mary, the mother of Jesus, even before he was born, stopped to praise God for her future son.  Shepherds stopped being busy caring for their sheep for a while. Wise scholars took time off from their duties to buy gifts and follow a star to God-knows-where for days on end.

All of them did this to take time to worship a king that was born this season. His name? Immanuel. His role? King of Kings, Lord of Lords. His kingdom? It’s forever and ever and ever. Why did he bother leaving the perfection of Heaven for the broken nature of earth? It was so that you might make time to discover Him and His offer to learn from Him, and maybe even accept His gift of eternal life. This season, let’s slow down, put away our phones, skip the shopping for a night or two and bow down to worship Him.